Fact About Internet Speed

Facts About Internet Speed.
Many people get confused with
their download speeds. Your
internet provider says your
internet connection speed is in
Kb/s (kilobits per second) or Mb/s
(Megabits per second) When you
download something, web
browser (Google Chorme, Internet
Explorer or Firefox), it says the...
speed in MB/s or KB/s
(Megabyte/ Kilobyte) These things
are NOT the SAME, nither you are
wrong nor your provider. Allow
us to explain....
1Byte = 8 bits
1Kilobit (Kb) = 1000 bits
1megabit (Mb) = 1000 Kb
1KiloBYTE (KB) = 1000 BYTES
1MegaByte (MB) = 1000 KB
So 1 KB= 8 Kb
and 1 MB= 8 Mb
Let's take an example,
If your service provider says your
download speed is 1 Mb/s. To
figure out how fast this is in
Megabytes/s, all you do is divide
by 8.
so 1/8= .125, or 125 KB/s.
This works in reverse too.
Lets say you are downloading a
file at 125 KB/s. Multiply this by 8.
So 125x 8= 1000 Kb/s or 1 Mb/s,
This works with Kb and KB too.

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